Happy birthday Multiprotexion: today we celebrate our 30th anniversary.

It is a very important day for the Multiprotexion group: on 15th December 1992 began the activity of what was initially called Multimedia and would a few years later become Multiprotexion.

Thinking back to the first days of activity, when we were pioneers in a totally new sector, makes us smile, but it also makes us proud of what we have become today, one of the most important players in Europe for the active protection of HVTT vehicles and for the protection of buildings, warehouses and large logistics areas.

Multiprotexion Management states: “30 years of activity is really an important milestone, thanks to the teamwork by all of us over the years. We always like to remember that some of our historical collaborators have been with us since day one and some customers have been with us for a couple of decades. We thank everyone who has been part of this beautiful history, but never look back: the most beautiful pages are the ones yet to be written!


Una riflessione sulle criticità in termini di rischio, continuità del business e gestione delle crisi (anche e soprattutto nel campo digitale) che ha comportato il nuovo “disordine globale”.

An important result, thanks to Multiprotexion’s teamwork, which must be an element of satisfaction for all of us, but also a starting point for us to improve more and more!

I.T.S. s.r.l. è un’importante realtà del panorama italiano nell’ambito dell’innovazione tecnologica di sistemi avanzati di protezione antintrusione, videosorveglianza, e geolocalizzazione.

I.T.S. s.r.l. is an important player on the Italian scene in the field of technological innovation of advanced intrusion protection, video surveillance, and geolocation systems.

An important result, thanks to Multiprotexion’s teamwork, which must be an element of satisfaction for all of us, but also a starting point for us to improve more and more!

I.T.S. s.r.l. è un’importante realtà del panorama italiano nell’ambito dell’innovazione tecnologica di sistemi avanzati di protezione antintrusione, videosorveglianza, e geolocalizzazione.

I.T.S. s.r.l. is an important player on the Italian scene in the field of technological innovation of advanced intrusion protection, video surveillance, and geolocation systems.

Una riflessione sulle criticità in termini di rischio, continuità del business e gestione delle crisi (anche e soprattutto nel campo digitale) che ha comportato il nuovo “disordine globale”.